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Diversity & Social Justice Training for Organizations and Educational Institutions


My work focuses on how power and systems of inequity operate within educational and workplace environments to inform group dynamics and organizational structures.

Workshops & trainings include building foundational knowledge about power and privilege, social identity, systematic oppression, social justice frameworks, and skill building for long-term cultural change.

Wash Out

Leadership Coaching, Cultural Climate Assessments, Long-Term Strategic Planning for Building Healthy Organizational/Educational Environments


Series of sessions illuminating how organizational/departmental culture including ideologies & beliefs, communication patterns, organizational & behavioral norms, interpersonal interactions, structures, policies, and procedures work together to create environments that are inequitable and detrimental to marginalized identity groups.

Cultural Climate Assessment tools aimed at identifying organizational/departmental strengths and weaknesses, organizational culture, and developing long term strategic plans for increasing the cultural competency of an organization/department.

Large and small scale community building retreats & workshops for diverse groups.  Weekend-long retreats or day-long workshops aimed at building community  across differences within organizational or educational communities.

Skill Building and Tools for Cultivating Inclusive Communities, Addressing Microaggressions, and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues



Raising awareness about the impacts of implicit bias and microaggressions within mixed identity communities and providing mechanisms for effectively addressing them.

Giving people tools and skills for facilitating and engaging in difficult dialogues about inequality within mixed identity settings.

Learning effective dialogic tools and models for managing conflict across difference.

Old Paper Transparent

Inclusive Curriculum & Pedagogy

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Our country is increasingly divided along various social, political, and ideological issues, and institutions of higher education are often the site of many of these tensions.  Regardless of discipline, our classrooms (virtually and in person) are the spaces in which diverse cross-sections of our campus converge for the common purpose of learning.  Our classrooms can either be sites of transformation, or reinforce the fragmentation and identity based trauma that already exists on many of our campuses.  Faculty are trained to be experts in their particular fields of study, but may not feel that they have the tools and skills to manage challenging dynamics related to identity and difference that emerge within their classrooms, or are able to offer a curricular experience that incorporates the contributions of diverse communities.  

Trainings focus on how to create inclusive classrooms by implementing various approaches to teaching and learning including syllabus design, classroom structure, pedagogical approach, assessment methods, and managing interpersonal interactions.

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